Thursday, July 18, 2019

Time Travel

 From our lesson with Time Travel, I've been wondering why this fantasy element has so many theories and rules/laws.  None of the other magical or superhuman elements have these.  Besides time travel is used in so many different ways in literature that it's looking impossible to actually come up with a set of universal rules for it.  

Here are just a few articles I found trying to come up with universal rules.

4 Do's and Don'ts of Time Travel

Rules of Time Travel for Fiction Writers

What are the "Rules of Time Travel"?

This news article,  What Einstein and Bill Gates Teach Us About Time Travel, sparked a possible answer for me, however.  Because time travel is a science -based fantasy element, it still holds an element of reality (or possible reality) to it--in theory.  Perhaps it will be possible in the future, who knows.  It's interesting that time travel holds the interest of  scientists, writers, and the entertainment industry, each with their own views and values for it.   With it being such a talked about and imagined topic, it would be fascinating to see what the reality would look like or how it would be handled.  I guess time will tell...

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